Athens Oconee CASA is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization based in Athens, Ga. dedicated to improving the lives of children in foster care in Clarke and Oconee Counties. We work within the community with the Division of Family and Children Services, the juvenile judicial system, educational professionals, and service providers to ensure healthy outcomes for children experiencing foster care. CASA volunteers are specially trained adults appointed by the court to improve a child’s foster care experience. These trained volunteers work to promote safe and stable homes for children in times of family crisis. By advocating for children who have experienced abuse or neglect, our volunteers amplify each child's voice and help change a child's story.
Athens Oconee CASA Mission
The mission of Athens-Oconee CASA is to assist the Court by providing trained, screened, and supervised volunteers from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds to advocate for the best interests of abused and/or neglected children in appropriate court proceedings in the Western Judicial Circuit of Georgia, in the social service system and with community service providers, thus assuring those children’s rights to an appropriate placement, transition to a permanent home and thus improving the system's treatment of this vulnerable population.
A community where child abuse and neglect has been eradicated and families in crisis keep children first in their decision making and have access to services that will enable a quick return to in-home placement, stability, safety and security.
We at Athens Oconee CASA value the inherent worth and dignity of all people in our community. We are dedicated to providing quality services with empathy, understanding, and the belief that people can make change in their lives.